Best ebook reader on the mac by far
This has been an avenue that Apple have not helped it customers. I personally love reading on my mac when I have to do research and find things quickly and it is a real shame that Apple have not added the ibookstore to the mac. Book Reader I have used from the very beginning and I am very impressed by its look and feel and ease of use. I have tried all the readers avaliable on the mac and have always come back to book reader. It has a lovely quality and reading experience and very easy to search and make notes on any particular book.
Many complaints have been that you can not read DRM books. It is important to know that this is Apples restriction and other publishers who use DRM. I personally find the DRM sickening as it tends to treat genuine buyers as criminals. There are a lot of book publishers out there who have thrown the whole DRM out the window and the customers response well to it because of the no hassle reading on any device and the ability to share the books you care about with friends and family without feeling like you are being bad for sharing something you own. Sitepoint books are a good example of book publishers who follow this no DRM approach.
As far a book reader goes, it has a few small bugs which I have written to the developer about who responded within half an hour to help address them. It is clear from the tone of the email I recieved how much this project is a passion for them and how much care is taken with its development which is refreshing and nice to see. The other feature that is fantastic is the text to speech option which I use a lot. The mac os built in voices are not the best but there are other voices that are better to have books read out loud to you.
This app is my favourite book reader for it simplicity, elegance and readability. I continue to recommend this to everyone who reads epubs without DRM hassles. I am looking forward to future development of this reader and very excited to see where they will take it.
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